
At JustAir, you just get that: a constant, reliable and sustainable supply of dry, electric, oil-free compressed air, delivered on demand. What you don’t get: contaminants, condensation, downtime, maintenance, noise, emissions or largescale capital expenditure. Discover the many ways JustAir makes compressed air pure and simple!

What you don’t get:
- A lot of waste
- Contaminated condensate
- Downtime
- Costly maintenance
- Anoying Noise

Discover the many ways JustAir makes compressed air pure and simple!

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AaaS / Rent / Leasing


Our revolutionary Class-Zero-Plus technology guarantees true oil-free performance. Our intuitive Plug-and-Play design ensures a seamless connection with your systems. And our unique Air-as-a-Service formula means you only pay for the air you actually use.

Our revolutionary Class-Zero-Plus technology guarantees true oil-free performance. Our intuitive Plug-and-Play design ensures a seamless connection with your systems. And our unique Air-as-a-Service formula means you only pay for the air you actually use.

Why JustAir?


The incredibly compact design means our compressors can generate extremely high flow rates and pressures with a very small physical footprint. Which means that easily fit inside a standard 20’ sea container.

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Future-proof technology

JustAir’s unique concept is based on the same magnetic levitation technology that drives the world’s fastest and most efficient trains. High-powered magnetic bearings mean the compressor’s turbo shaft can rotate at extremely high speeds without any physical contact with supporting elements.
Which means there is no need for traditional bearings or gears, which in turn means there is no need to inject lubricating oil and therefore no need to filter it out of the resultant compressed air either. The near frictionless performance dramatically reduces the energy consumption, even when operating at reduced capacity while also extending the lifespan and reliability of our equipment.

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AaaS : Pay per m³

Why buy or even rent expensive equipment when you can just pay for the air you use? At JustAir, our unique Air-as-a-Service formula means you pay a fixed price per m3 agreed in advance, regardless of how much air you actually use. Especially in today’s volatile climate of fluctuating demand, unpredictable supply and ever-shifting regulatory constraints, that’s one thing you can actually count on!